Monday, September 17, 2007

10 Tips For A Happy First College Year Experience

10 Tips For Having A Happy First College Year
By Susan Fox, CH, CBQT
© 2007, Susan Fox Trust

Going to college for the first time? Feeling anxious, fearful, confused about how to have a great year? Willing to follow a simple winning, first-college-year strategy? Successfully breeze through your first college year by assuming and mentally rehearsing that only success awaits you.

Your brain contains the equivalent of 4 living computer software programs. Because of these 4 unique brain views or languages, you can actually think and then act like 4 different people. So, when you decide about a situation, you have available to you a great thinking team all in your own head.

To experience an amazing, fun, successful first college year experience, ASSUME everything will be great! Thinking about college life in your preferred way, you consciously CHOOSE to live life prosperously. Use the following tips to enjoy your first year:

1-Assume you will meet friendly, honest, wonderful new people. Your brain acts like a radio transmitter and receiver. When you think, you attract people who think the same way you do. So, assume you will attract like-minded people and you will.

2-Sit down and write out what first college year goals you desire to achieve. Write down on paper your ideas. Doing this, you consciously send messages about your goals to both brain hemispheres improving message comprehension. You also create a road map to follow for successful first year college life.

3-Relax and act like your true self. When you relax and act like yourself, you genuinely enjoy what you’re doing. Other genuine, secure, confident acting people see that and feel attracted to you. Act like yourself and make life successes effortless for you.

4-Focus on HOW you’d like to achieve your first college year goals. Would you like to effortlessly, pleasantly, enjoyably achieve your first college year goals? Mentally review a past, successfully achieved goal feeling these encouraging feelings. Imagine that you can achieve this next goal using the same feelings you felt in past successes (because you can!) Then FEEL those feelings in your mind and mentally rehearse goal achievement this time while feeling the past encouraging feelings.

5-Use your brain’s 4, unique brain views for life success. Ask yourself 4 viewpoint questions about 1)efficiently completing first college year tasks, 2)feeling specific, personally meaningful feelings about success-oriented, first college year goal achievement, 3)personal entertainment value while doing this task and 4)accuracy regarding your goals. For example, knowing college can be costly to your parents, suppose you desire to minimize college costs. Ask yourself, 1)“What can I do to efficiently produce my desired academic results during my first college year?”, 2)”What can I do to feel happy about going to college this first year AND act considerate to my parent’s finances?” 3)”What can I do to enjoy my classes and get good grades?” 4)”What can I do to do the college thing right the first time out?”

6-As appropriate, write out your answers to the asked questions in item #5. We use written out goal achievement plans like a roadmap. The brain sees the written ideas on paper and uses them as motivation instructions for goal completion. Then, your brain feels a sense of control seeing individual tasks described on paper that will result in goal completion. Knowing and seeing progress, the brain can relax so you actually move forward toward goal achievement.

7-If necessary, ask for help. In the business world, people routinely consult with obvious experts when “stuck” for a complete, effective answer. No one can know all information for all situations. So, consulting with someone, a parent, teacher or academic advisor when necessary, shows effective time and resource management.

8-ASSUME you ARE already successfully achieving your goals. Establish reasonable standards for yourself. Act responsible for your own successes. When you think in “possibility” terms, you effortlessly excel. Assume you already are doing your best AND that your best efforts are good enough for you. Think optimistically and relax knowing you CAN achieve your goals.

9-If you hear jealous criticism, b-r-e-a-t-h-e. By design, one of your brain quadrants naturally analyzes situations. Hearing criticism, your brain is telling you to “do things right.” Since “right” can be subjectively defined, ask yourself a progressive, optimistic question about a solution. “Well, I COULD criticize my best efforts. But what could I think instead to actually improve the situation?” To hear an encouraging, uplifting podcast about the fabulous you, please visit my site at Listen to Episode 2 - Feel Fabulous About Being You.

10-For some uplifting, encouraging words, please see another blog,

To arrange a customized workshop, for public appearances or to learn how encouraging brain dialog you already think gets you what you want, contact Susan Fox, CH, CBQT at or leave her a message on her 24-hour message line at (740) 399-9333. She will call you back. Also ask her about her new book called: Brainview: What Does Your Brain Think Of You? Hypnotic Brain Dialog Gets Your Brain To Grant Your Wishes.

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