Saturday, May 19, 2007

Sharon Alexander Story - Live Presentation

Meet Susan Fox at her live presentation of the Sharon Alexander Story at the National Guild of Hypnotists annual convention at 10am, August 12, 2007, Royal Plaza Hotel, 181 Boston Post Road, Marlborough, Massachusetts. Seating is limited. Contact the National Guild of Hypnotists at (603) 429-9438 for more details. Contact Susan Fox at

Are you or a loved one getting ready to complete your earth mission? Do you want to know the truth about crossing over? Would you like to feel hopeful and calm about your experience? Or, like Susan, are you a parent who has buried a child and are looking to cope? Hear about this once-in-a-lifetime experience and how Susan communicated with Sharon Alexander's spirit while Sharon's physical body was in a coma 45 minutes away from Susan’s geographical location at her mother's home. Fascinating, confirmed and true story about Sharon Alexander’s last days on earth before her physical body death.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Imagine a fabulous world where you feel important and significant to yourself no matter what innocent action you do. You can mentally live in this world when you focus on thinking thoughts that ONLY CREATIVELY encourage, support and uplift you to EFFORTLESSLY excel at virtually anything you PHYSICALLY do. How do you CREATE?

Creating is done by THEORIZING about (instead of criticisizing what you CAN'T do to achieve) a goal. When we think in theoretical ways, we are merely compiling details about a goal and thinking about how we CAN achieve a desired goal.

For example, suppose you would like to feel comfortable speaking in public. This is people's number one fear - the fear of speaking publicly. Ok. Now you know WHAT goal you'd prefer to achieve. What is ONE thought you can think or say out loud to yourself so you begin to do actions that result in your feeling calm while you speak publicly?

First, pretend that you are a future version of yourself remembering a time when you felt calm speaking publicly. Describe ONLY a mental picture of you feeling comfortable standing before an audience. Maybe the script would be something like this:

"I remember standing before the crowd. All eyes were on me. I looked at my notes and for an instant, I thought I should just remember that all these people were my friends. They want me to succeed. They like the idea of hearing information they can use to benefit themselves.

So, theory 1 is that everyone here PREFERS for me to say something interesting.

Theory 2 is that everyone here is my friend and friends support and accept each other. I choose to believe that everyone here is in a relationship with me. A long term relationship with me that is really a friendship.

Yes, they appreciate me and I appreciate me. It's all good.

How can I plan a comfortable feeling inside as I deliver my message? I know, I will simply single out one friend in the audience and talk directly to him or her. That's easy enough. Hey, this public speaking stuff is EASY for me. I can do this!"

And off you go, pretending that you've already successfully THEORIZED your way into feeling comfortable speaking in public. Wow! Great memory!

More later.

Ta Ta For Now (TTFN)